Incident Tools
March 27, 2023
Export Map
- Map exports are done with a file type exchange of KML.
- There is an option to have a self-contained Offline KML file that can be attached to e-mails and opened in another program, as well as a KML network link.
- The “KML As Network Links” option lets other people display the COBRA incident map data on a different system and get periodic updates by network feed.
- This allows visibility of current incident map actions by others. Since the updates look at the COBRA server, it is necessary for the end-user to have access to the network and server that is hosting COBRA.
The user has the option to only export the topical incident information (data created while in the incident with map capable tools) or they can select “Include Organization Data.”
- Organization Data is anything added to the incident map that is not created by an incident tool. Examples could include Zones, Utilities, Buildings, or department resources.
Export Map as KML (Menu Selection Option)
Without opening the Map tool, users can also access the exporting of map information for use in other systems.
Open the Export Map as KML tool by accessing it from the Menu list (Menu > Incident > Export Map as KML).
The Menu selection for Export Map as KML gives the same options as the Map Tool KML Export, but with one very important difference. If the information within the organization and/or incident needs to be restricted for some reason, the user can select what items are to be included in the modified offline KML export product. Clicking on the “EXPORT SELECTED KML (Offline File Only)” will generate a KML with only those layers of information that have been checked in the table above the button.
The "EXPORT ALL” buttons do not listen to the checked selections and will publish all the incident information.
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