Collaboration Tools
March 30, 2023
Request Manager
The Request Manager Tool works in a collaborative environment by allowing users to manage requests from initiation to delivery. Approval and progress steps are managed by users and tracked in the incident timeline report.
Submit New Request
1. Launch the Request Manager tool by accessing it from the Menu list (Menu > Collaboration > Request Manager).
2. Press the button.
3. Select which type of Request to initiate.
4. The Insert Request page is displayed which allows you to fill in all details appropriate for that Type of Request. Below is an example of "Inserting Resource Request" 5. Fields required include Title, Priority, Status, and Details.
6. Use the Mini Map on the page to geo-tag your request. The appropriate icon for that request will be plotted on the Main map which can be selected from the Main Map’s layer list. 7. Press the Save button when all appropriate information is entered.
8. The newly created resource request is listed in the main Request Manager page.
Create a Mission Request
For the Request Manager to properly create a Mission Request, an Organizational Administrator must add vital information through the Admin Tool.
Units must define "Mission Types" that are typically performed by the Organization.
To add Mission Types,
- Go to DOMOPS in Admin.
- Click on DOMOPS Settings.
- Add specific missions to Mission Types by clicking “Add New.”
- Enter information.
- Save Changes.
- Once all the Mission Types have been added, they will be available in the Drop Down on the Mission Request Tool.
The Region for the Mission Request will also need to be added.
- Go to the DOMOPS tool in Admin.
- Click on Region Administration.
- The Regions are typically defined by your State EMA or another agency.
- Add them by clicking “Add New Entry.”
- Enter information and click Save.
This will allow them to be available in the Drop Down for Regions on the Mission Request Tool. The Region Administration also allows the Counties to be broken into respective Regions to add Zones to the Map.
Once the Admin set-up is complete, the Mission Request Tool functions much like the existing Request Management Tools. Fields are straight forward and self-explanatory. Assigned To and Requested By pull from the Positions added on the Admin side. The user can search within the system or simply add “Other” for both fields. Once all data has been entered, click Save.
This data is displayed on the Request Manager Tool as well as the JOC Briefing Board. The Top Right window indicated the number of Missions by Region, Status, and PAX supporting.
Edit a Resource Request
You can edit an existing resource request and then save those changes. Additional descriptions or changes to the request can be initiated by the original user clicking on Edit in the last column and making appropriate changes to the request.
1. On the main Request Manager page, select the Edit icon in the last column of the resource request item.
2. Make any appropriate changes to the resource request and press the Save button at bottom of the page.
3. Newly updated information is saved and listed in the main Request Manager page.
Create an Alert for a Resource Request
You can send alerts about individual Resource Requests to a Web COBRA® user within your organization. The alert can be sent to specific or all users logged into your current incident or any incident within your Organization.
1. On the main Request Manager page, select the Gear icon
in the last column of the resource request item. From the drop-down list, select Alert.
2. Fill in any message you would like to add to the Alert in the Alert Text box.
3. You can Edit or Delete current Alert Details for the Resource Request or add a new detail by clicking the or
4. Alerts are immediately sent to all users logged in and any users with email / SMS / Phone alerting configured.
5. Click the Save button to finish and send Alert.
Archive/Restore Resource Request
You can Archive an individual Resource Request. You will also have the option to restore any Archived Resource Requests.
1. On the main Request Manager page, select the Gear icon in the last column of the resource request item. From the drop-down list, select Archive.
2. A message box will appear to ask if you are sure you wish to archive the request. Click OK to Archive.
3. The Archived Resource Request is placed in the Archived Requests list at the bottom of the Request Manager page.
Print Resource Request
1. On the main Request Manager page, select the Gear icon in the last column of the resource request item. From the drop-down list, select Print.
2. The Resource Request will be displayed in print view in a separate browser tab.
3. Click on the Print Out All Requests button at the top right of the page then click print again, then select the desired printer.
4. Close out the Print View tab of the Resource Request when printing is complete.
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