ATSO Tools
May 1, 2023
ATSO Tool Suite
- Menu > ATSO > Sub tool
ATSO Main Status
The main status screen allows a single page to convey many types of information.
- ATSO event report quantity and severity are displayed in tables for each Zone.
- Zones are color coded to show status and have information on Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) levels and Modifiers.
- UCC sections and Associated PAR Team status are displayed in a table below the Zone area.
- At the top of the screen are indicators for:
- Cyberspace Protection Condition (CPCON)
- Force Protection Condition (FPCON)
- Area/Base Wide Personnel Release Status
- Summation of Dead, Injured, and Missing Personnel from all reports from any Zone or UCC
Making Changes to Zone Status/Alarms, MOPP, PAR Team Status, INFOCON, and FPCON
- Selecting the associated dropdown
- Choose the desired value to update for that section.
PAR Team Status
- The PAR Team Status can be managed in both the PAR Team Tool, and in the lower section of the Main Status Page.
- The Team Status Tool also has a dedicated chat window to assist the UCC and teams to communicate.
- Setting the Teams Status is a simple as clicking on the Status dropdown and selecting the new option to establish.
Event List
The ATSO Event List screen shows all event reports posted of any type at once. The grid view display of information allows the user to sort and filter by
- specific fields
- change report status options
- open individual reports for editing, deleting or viewing.
Attached at the end of this article are the ATSO Event Common Operating Picture Status Definitions.
Creating a new event report
- Click on the “Create New Event” button.
- User then selects the type of event report to enter.
Deleted/Archived Event Report
- Reports that have been Deleted/Archived will show in the Archived Event Report list at the bottom of the screen.
Creating an Event Report (All Categories)
- Creating any one of the Event Reports available is the same although the individual information required or available in each form may vary.
- All reports have a location segment that can indicate position on a map with a color-coded icon representing the status of that report.
- Some information elements in a report are optional, while mandatory ones are indicated with a red asterisk.
- Most forms have Description and/or Notes sections where the user can type more defining information for the report.
The Categories of Event Reports are:
- Casualty
- Facility/Equipment Damage
- Contamination
- Real World
- Other
- After a report is saved, the summary page for that Event Type will be shown.
- Tool specific report summaries have the same functionality of editing and archiving as the Main Event List.
LDP/VDP Reporting- Liquid and Vapor Detection Point
- If detection points are being used, reports can be filled out and saved.
- LDP/VDP are Established by Organization Administrator
- These reports allow users to enter the readings of M8/M9 chemical detection paper.
By clicking “Add New VDP” or “Add New LDP” a generated form allows users to enter the readings of M8/M9 chemical detection paper.
- The edit screen displays where the specific Detection point is selected, and the Concentration and Reading values may be entered.
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