Collaboration Tools
April 6, 2023
The Attachments tool can be used to upload and share documents of all types (ex. png) pertaining to an incident.
Open the Attachments tool by accessing it from the Menu list (Menu > Collaboration > Attachments).
Add an Attachment
To enter a new file to the incident, click “Insert New Attachment.”
For a file to be added to the incident, click “Select Files” and chose what item/s to attach. The maximum limit file size is 100 MB. Adding a description and establishing a location for map display are optional, but can provide more descriptive information to other users.
If the user wishes to enter a location, the user can: click on the map to indicate position, enter Decimal Degree coordinates, utilize the Grid Reference System, or type the Street Address.
Once desired components have been set, click the “Save” button to commit the files to the database for the incident.
The display window now shows the list of attachments from all users. If any of the attachments are image files, a small thumbnail of the picture will show next to the file name. Additionally, in the area above the file list is a preview camera roll which the user can cycle through pictures of the image file. Clicking on the left/right facing carats on either side of the display image will change to the previous/next image shown.
Edit Attachments
If the user needs to change the location or the description of an attachment, click on the edit button. The file itself cannot be changed, but all other elements can be.
Download Attachments
Clicking the Download button will copy the file to the user’s desired storage location. If all files need to be downloaded at once, clicking the will store all files in a compressed file for download.
Archive Attachments
If an attachment needs to be removed from an Incident, clicking the Archive button will move the file from the attachment list to the Archived Attachments list.
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