Collaboration Tools
March 31, 2023
Mission Manager
The Mission Manager is COBRA's newest collaborative tool that expounds upon and is meant to be the hub for what was previously known as "Mission Requests". Mission Requests once fell under the Request Manager Tool but is now a completely separate module. This tool provides easy viewing and management of Mission-critical information including Locational, Personnel, and Request data, while keeping each Mission unique to an Incident, meaning they cannot be seen or accessed by other incidents.
- Click on Main Menu.
- Click on Collaboration Tab.
- Choose Mission Manager to access the tool.
Mission Manager Landing Page
Allows for easy viewing and management of Missions in an incident while also specifically showing the user all of the current missions. From the Main Mission Manager page a user can:
- Add New Missions- Users can create a new mission within their current incident for their organization.
- Export to Excel- Moves the entire Mission Manager table and related information to an excel document for saving or distribution.
- Show Archived- This button will allow users to show previously archived Missions with the active missions list.
To see the following tabs from the landing screen, a mission must exist. Below is informational.
- Location- View the Mission in a new tab on the Main Map centered on the mission location.
- View- View current Missions and related information without the ability to change any data.
- Edit- This allows the user to view and edit all fields and have access to all page options.
- PERSTAT- This allows users to open the PERSTAT tool and view it while restricting the ability to change the list.
- Archive- Removes a Mission from the incident it is in and stores those Missions in COBRAs archived/historical documentation.
Adding a New Mission
- Click on Add New Mission Button.
- Fill in Mission information for your new mission.
- Include any PERSTAT or Equipment Package information required pertaining to the mission.
- Click Save.
Mission Information
When filling out the Mission Manager Information page it it important to remember that certain sections of the form must be pre filled by Org Admins and properly filled out.
- All Asterisks require information for the Mission to save.
- The Mission Type is a drop down option that is prepopulated by Organizational Administrators. If you are missing information in this section or it is greyed out please contact your Org Admin or Cobra Customer Support.
- The Requested By dropdown options are controlled through the Administrative side of COBRA under the POSITIONS tab. When needing to add or remove positions refer to your local Admin.
- The Assigned To drop down options are controlled through the Administrative side of COBRA under the POSITIONS tab. When needing to add or remove positions refer to your local Admin.
Personnel Statistics
Personnel Statistics also known as PERSTAT is a section within the mission manager in which users can record any known information about unit members that may be important for a specific Mission or Incident.
Equipment Details
When adding equipment package users must remember that their Organizations Administrators should have added the desired equipment. This section is on the Administrative Side of Cobra under the DOMOPS Tab, under the sub tab EQUIPMENT. If this information is missing or greyed out please contact your local Admin or COBRA Customer Support.
Mission History
- Once a Mission has been created the user will be able to track its progress through the historical contents of that Mission under its historical dropdown chevron.
Exporting to Excel
- Click on the Export To Excel Button.
- An Excel Document should download from your browser.
- Open the downloaded file and save as desired.
Viewing the Mission Location
- Click on the menu button (three vertical dots) on the far side of your mission titles.
- Click on the Location Button.
- Shows Centered Map Location of Mission
View Missions Details
- Click on the menu button (three vertical dots) on the far side of your mission titles
- Click on the View Button.
- The details of the mission will then show while maintaining no editing capability (all fields will be greyed out).
Edit Missions Details
- Click on the menu button (three vertical dots) on the far side of your mission titles.
- Click on Edit Button.
- Edits fields as desired and click SAVE.
- Click on the menu button (three vertical dots) on the far side of your mission titles.
- Click on the PERSTAT Button.
- A view of Personnel Statistics will appear without edit capability.
Archive Mission
- Click on the menu button (three vertical dots) on the far side of your mission titles.
- Click the Archive Button.
- Click YES if you are sure you want to archive them or NO if you don't want to Archive them.
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