Administrator Guide
March 20, 2023
ATSO - ‘Ability to Survive and Operate’ in a CBRN environment.
Org Admins should set up each section.
Click on the ATSO menu tab to bring up the following sub-menus;
Detection Points
1. Click on the Insert New Detection Point button.
2. Name the Detection Point.
3. Choose the Sensor Type (Vapor - VDP or Liquid - LDP)
4. Choose Incident Type *The Incident Types should be initially set up before using this tool.
5. Choose Zone *The Zones should be initially set up before using this tool.
6. Detailed Information section - Enter known Grid coordinates or click within the mini-map to “plot” the Detection Point.
7. Optional: Fill in a Description.
8. Click Save to finish inserting the Detection Point.
Par Teams
1. Click on the Create a New Par Team button.
2. Add a Par Team Name.
3. Add the Incident type (Initial setup required)
4. Add the Zone the Par Team works (Initial setup required)
5. Optional: Add Description, Call Sign, Building No., Bunker No., and Sweep Area #. 6. Click Save to finish creating the Par Team.
Creating Zones
1. Click on the Create a New Zone button.
2. Type in a Zone Name.
3. Add Incident Type (Initial setup required)
4. Add County/Region (Initial setup required)
5. Optional: Copy the Zones over to other incident Types.
6. Checkmark the Include in Mini Map checkbox.
7. Optional: Add Description and Additional Info.
8. Click Save to finish adding the Zone.
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