Administrator Guide
March 22, 2023
*Click on the Incidents menu tab to bring up the following sub-menus;
Default Incident Status Choices
The Default Incident Status Choices can be set for your Org and used within any Incident.
1. Create a new status for future incidents by naming it in the field and choosing a color. Ex: ALPHA, BRAVO, On Scene, En Route, Real World, Exercise, Training, etc.
2. Click the Save Status Option button.
3. Once Saved, Available Status Choices will appear and be available when choosing to create a new incident.
Incident Archival and Recovery
This page is used to Restore, Archive, Permanently Delete or Merge Incidents.
1. To Archive, click on the yellow archive button or to do archive multiple incident, select your choices and click on the Yellow Archive Selected button
2. To Delete, click on the red trash can button
3. To Merge, click on chosen line items (at least 2) and click on the Merge Incident Button
4. To Recover, Click on the Grey Recover Arrow.
Incident Categories
*This is one of the initial settings that should be configured by the Org Admin for their Org.
1. Click the Create Incident Category button.
2. Name the Incident Category. Ex: Man-Made Disasters, Natural Disasters, Etc.
3. Click Save Changes
Incident Types
*This is one of the initial settings that should be configured by the Org Admin for their Org.
1. Click the Create Type button.
2. Type in an Incident Type name.
3. Optional: Choose color- Ex: Exercise (yellow), Real World (red), Training (blue)
4. Click Save
Merge Incidents
*This page is used by Org Admins to merge two separate incidents into one.
1. Highlight a Primary and a Secondary Incident.
2. Click on the Merge Incidents button.
3. In the Warning Pop Up, click Ok to continue or Cancel the operation. Continuing will overwrite the Positions within the Secondary Incident and Use the Incident Name of the Primary Incident.
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