Administrator Guide
March 23, 2023
*Click on the Mapping menu tab to bring up the following sub-menus;
Available Map Services
*This administrative tool allows Org Admins to add an active WMS or WFS service layer(s) to the system for COBRA Users to display on the main map.
1. Click the Add Services Layer button to bring up the Layer wizard.
2. Under the Add Layer Data tab, give the Service Layer a Name.
3. Provide the WMS or WFS URL.
4. Select the Service Layer type from the dropdown.
5. Click on the grey Test Connection button to validate the Service URL.
6. Once validated, click the Next button.
7. Under the Layer Selection tab, individually select the subset layers you would like to make available for the Users. Alternately, you can use the Select All button.
8. In the Layer Visibility section, select your minimum and maximum Zoom Levels.
9. Click the Next button.
10. Under the Jurisdiction Sharing tab, choose the sharing permissions for the layer.
11. Click the Finish button to generate the Service Layer.
WMS & WFS Feeds
A feature of COBRA mapping that often gets overlooked is the ability to add WMS (Web Mapping Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service) feeds. There are two quickly added WMS feeds for COBRA that provides a visual representation of the current weather concerns. We are in the process of developing a comprehensive list of feeds. Once finished, we will post additional information to this site.
With one of the major updates to the COBRA map a few months ago, the tool now allows the Organization to add a live weather animation. By adding the NEXRAD National Weather Radar feed, the user can play the loop or pause it for a static view.
Another WMS feed allows the Organization to add the National Watches and Warning feeds. This feed displays all the declared warnings and watches across the U.S. Click on the individual county in question for current weather information. As a note, this feed is pulled from an external source without formatting. The pop-up information is in its raw form.
Follow the steps below to add these tools to the Organization. After they are added, click on the WMS/WFS feed button on the map, then click on the + button to add them from the drop-down.
Adding feeds to an Organization
- Navigate to the Admin page.
- Click on the Mapping button.
- Click on the Available Map Services button.
- Click on the Add Service button and enter the information below.
NexRAD National Weather Radar
NWS Watches & Warnings
- Once the site information is entered, click on the test connection
- Then Click the Next button
- Follow the directions on the following screens.
- Make sure you add all layers recommended by the system.
- Select the appropriate zoom levels desired.
Note on Zoom Levels
Cobra Techs have found that selecting 2 as the minimum zoom and 17 as the maximum zoom seems to work the best.
- Click Next.
- Click Disregard the Category Box and ensure that Private is selected. This will guarantee that they only appear in your Organization.
- To finish, click Next.
If there are additional feeds that you feel could help the community, please feel free to comment on the article.
Background Layer Categories
1. Click the Add New Entry button.
2. Name the Available Category.
3. Click Save.
4. You can use the Update or Delete buttons for any existing Categories.
Background Map Data
Allows Org Admins to upload fixed map feature layers to the COBRA system with the ability to define styling for Vector-based GIS data. Note that the source file must either be a KML, SHP Zip, or GEOJSON file.
1. Click the Add a new feature layer button to bring up the feature layer wizard.
2. Under the Upload Source File tab, click the Select Background Source button to browse for your file to upload.
3. Layer Name field will be populated by the original file name but can be changed as well. 4. Select your Sharing Permissions.
5. Next, click the Layer Symbolization tab. This section will allow you to keep the existing symbolization styling or customize it yourself.
6. Adjust your Layer visibility Zoom Levels.
7. Next, click the Select Fields to Display tab. This Section will allow you to choose which available data fields to display to the user.
8. When finished with all your settings, click the Submit button to generate the Background Layer.
Symbol List
COBRA is pre-loaded with the complete Homeland Security Symbiology Reference icon set. Org Admins can also add their own custom Icon Symbols to the Symbol List or add any of the Symbols into the Favorites section.
Create New Symbol
1. Click the Add a New Symbol button.
2. Name the Symbol.
3. Select an available Symbol Category or Enter a New Category.
4. Select an available Symbol Theme or Enter a New Theme.
5. Fill in a Description.
6. To add the Symbol as a Favorite, use the checkbox.
7. Click the Select Files… button to upload your symbol icon image.
8. Click the Save button to add the symbol to the main Symbol List.
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